In our previous post, we talked about what sleep apnea is and what often causes it. Today, we’d like to focus our attention on how untreated sleep apnea can affect your everyday life and your relationship with a partner. After all, sleep apnea isn’t just a slight inconvenience—it can have a serious impact on a patient’s health and quality of life.
But first, a reminder: sleep apnea is a condition in which a patient stops breathing for 10 or more seconds while asleep, causing the brain to wake the body up to breathe. Some patients aren’t even aware of waking up because they only move to a lighter stage of sleep. But whether you’re aware of it or not, a spotty night of sleep is still a spotty night of sleep.
Patients who struggle with sleep apnea may experience changes in mood, or they may find it difficult to stay awake at work or behind the wheel. This drowsiness can, in turn, put the patient at risk of having an accident. What’s more, with the stress and fatigue of interrupted sleep comes an inability to concentrate and even memory loss. More severe problems include high blood pressure and heart problems, or even premature death.
But these are just the symptoms that directly affect you. Because snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea, your partner may not be getting a full night o rest either. Snoring can also put a great deal of strain on an otherwise healthy relationship.
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Thankfully, Dr. Gary Radz can provide relief with sleep apnea therapy. For a diagnosis or consultation, call our Denver dental office. We serve patients from Denver, Englewood, Aurora, Lakewood, Greenwood Village,Centennial, and beyond.